Aims and Scope


The aim of the Biological and Biomedical Journal (BBJ) is to accept the potential scientific research in biological and biomedical fields including all branches of their sciences, at the level of molecular, cellular, organ, and whole body.


This is to provide the scientific communities (Researchers) at national and international levels with recent and updated scientific research in relation to biological and biomedical fields. Different related sciences included: Medical and Animal Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genomics, Genetics, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics, Toxicology, Developmental Biology, Medical Entomology, Medical Parasitology, Applied and Medical Microbiology, Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Hematology, Immunology, Cancer Biology, Pharmaceutics, Ethnopharmacology, Pathology, Taxonomy, Environmental Biology, Public, Environmental and Occupational Health, Veterinary Sciences, Tropical Medicine, Vertebrate and Invertebrate Morphology, Food Science and Technology, Integrative and Complementary Medicine. Additionally, the journal considers research on health and clinical studies.